
  • Structural Integration
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Orthopedic Massage
  • Sports Therapy
  • Resistance Stretching

Erika Winston

Scottsdale, AZ, USA

I was originally trained as a professional tennis player and always had this fascination with movement and the flow of energy. I embarked first on getting my license in massage therapy in 2006 and then, continued on with advanced trainings to further my knowledge in Orthopedic massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Lomi Lomi and Reiki.

Next, after learning about Tom Myers and his teachings, I knew this was my next journey. I graduated from the KMI program in 2013 and experienced a profound shift in my own structural alignment and consciousness. The quote from the class, “awareness makes the change”, made perfect sense to me because I felt it. Essentially, the KMI process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and freedom/ease of movement. I enjoy the continuous learning and exploring the body as a whole being.

My work experience includes formerly having my private practice (DivineAlignSB) in Santa Barbara, Ca, traveled locally and internationally to perform massages for the Women’s Tennis Association tennis professionals and performed massages for the U.S. National Women’s Soccer team at their training camps. I was also trained by Bob Cooley in his method called Resistance Flexibility and Strength Training. The past 17 years of providing services to others has given me great insight into their needs and how to facilitate the healing process. I also strive to provide an opportunity for my clients in helping them regain their structural balance from chronic or habitual patterns and present an opening for new discoveries and possibilities. I am currently expanding my business in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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