I began my practice in 2019. I am through and through a believer in the work and Recipe of Ida Rolf. I am certified in Structural Integration through Anatomy Trains, and owe a great deal of credit to my AT teachers, Julie Hammond and Tom Myers. I continue to draw inspiration from the legacy of Ida Rolf and a handful of her incredible disciples I’ve worked with a long the way. I honor the wholism of the human body and I open myself to all paths and modalities which lead us there. Healers, bodyworkers, medicine men and women, and various masters of Qi have all left their imprint on me through my travels. And most influential of all, my mom—she massaged me since I was two, and taught me the kindness of touch. I am here to delight in the complex geometry of the body and to remain a student for as long as I live. Ultimately I believe bodywork owes everything to our innate capacity to listen and connect to one another.
I am proud to be a trained therapist in Zenthai Shiatsu as well. Although I do not treat in Zenthai style, it greatly influences my touch. Through continuing research of the fascial network, Western Medicine inches closer and closer to acknowledging what Chinese Medicine practitioners have known for millennium. The meridian-based energetic system and the 5 elemental phases between which life seeks harmony, offer language for the pursuit of equilibrium intrinsic to being a physical, dense thing in an infinitely unknowable world.
I live in my hometown of Ojai California with my wife Rosie—continuing the search in myself, my clients, and the Earth.