Thadd Dudrey

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Certified Teacher

Certified to teach: 

  • Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function
  • Structural Essentials (ATSI Part 1)
  • Dissection lab (tableside instructor)

Thadd Dudrey is a senior faculty instructor for Anatomy Trains. He’s been a full time bodywork practitioner for almost 25 years in Denver, CO. Having a life long love for anatomy and biomechanics he has studied and practiced numerous forms of manual and movement therapies.  Thadd specializes in the treatment of pain and injury using structural integration, functional neurology, joint mobiliztions and visceral manipulation.He also has decades of teaching experience in presenting multiple approaches to hands- on healing. He has been incorporating the treatment of the organs and viscera in his practice for over twenty years, having studied and integrated a dozen different versions of visceral manipulation. He is currently completing a 6 year manual Diplomate of Osteopathy program in the Dominant Republic that has a strong visceral therapy component. Thadd has been assiciated with Todd Garcia and his lab since 2003 when he first started bringing classes of massage therapy students to the lab as part of their program. Every year he helps lead multiple in-person dissection classes for both the Laboratories of Anatomical Enlightenment and Anatomy Trains.