Cecilia Douglas

Anatomy Trains in Motion Certified Teacher

Certified to teach:

  • Anatomy Trains in Motion
  • Slings Myofascial Training

After years of working with horses, wushu training and running, in the beginning of the 1980s Cecilia trained to be a massage therapist to understand the complexity of the body and know how to heal from injuries. Starting her own clinic at that time, she continued to educate herself in several manual and movement therapies to dive deeper into understanding the body. Tom Myers book Anatomy Trains has always been a great inspiration to her manual work. As she saw that in 2016 the first Anatomy Trains in Motion course was announced in Maine she went and was instantly fascinated by Karins work. This kicked off her pathway to become a Slings Myofascial Training Practitioner.

At the Axelsons Bodyworks school in Stockholm – where she lives – Cecilia teaches Revolving, a Swedish myofascial release technique. When not working with clients or teaching, she spends a lot of time outside in the countryside, hiking all year round or kayaking in the summer.