Inka Hodes

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Certified Assistant

Certified to assist:

  • Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function
  • Structural Essentials (ATSI Part 1) 

Inka began a journey of holistic healing after her repeated knee surgeries left her with pain, limited mobility, and a fear of using her body in ways she once enjoyed. Frustrated by years of unsuccessful conventional therapy, she began to explore bodywork and holistic healthcare, eventually leaving her corporate career in New York City to devote herself to study the approaches full time.

She has been an Anatomy Trains practitioner since 2014 and operates private practices in Portland and Brunswick, Maine. A lifelong student of the human body, Inka draws on a variety of modalities to meet her client’s specific needs.

She is fascinated by the intersection of mind, body and spirit and the incredible emotional shifts that accompany the changes in structure and function that occur during the structural integration series.